Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Veterans are too prideful to seek help is one concept describing why veterans neglect assistance in their lives.  I recently saw the depiction drawn by Paul Combs (above) of a soldier being dragged down by pride as the sharks of depression, PTSD, suicide, etc., circle the soldier.  I agree with 95% of what Paul Combs laid out and would like to take this opportunity and focus on the main issue of Pride.  This is furthering the discussion of suicide, PTSD, depression, addiction and other issues impacting our veterans.  It is not an attack on a thoughtful illustration depicting veteran issues.  What is troubling and possibly problematic is using the term “Pride” to explain veteran’s behaviors not seeking assistance for themselves.   While understandable that many people and veterans may confuse the conduct as prideful, it is not.  Unfortunately and unintentionally the message that is being delivered to our veterans is: You are to prideful, just get rid of it and get help.  Maybe, just maybe pride is the only thing keeping them alive; or maybe there is no pride at all; maybe it is guilt of something not done; shame of what could have or should have been; or maybe they have lost their way and don’t even know where to start.   Many veterans learned and had reinforced to always maintain a sense of duty, to go above and beyond and never let others down, carry your burden and do it quietly.  They should demonstrate supererogatory actions.   Supererogation is the term for actions “…that go beyond the call of duty…actions that are viewed as morally good although not (strictly) required by a society (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).  Here is the conundrum, in many cultures supererogation is easily determined as it is unusual behavior, in the military it is often expected, not exempted.  It is more than a philosophical statement, it is a way of life; it is not prideful, it is an obligation, a call to duty, a commitment to a way of life. 

Labeling veterans’ actions as prideful, can hinder future assistance.  We must listen to grasp what the veteran is experiencing and feeling.  Ask clarifying questions, and provide a safe haven without judgment or rescue (Dichotomy of Suicide).  What is supererogation to many, is expected and required of others.  Ultimately what is perceived as a duty or strength becomes a weakness. Irrational solutions become rational to someone questioning their very existence as they view the world through eyes of pain.  Fortitude, pride, perseverance and self-will have nothing to do with it, in fact sometimes an individual’s perceived strengths can bring them to the breaking point. 

The VA states there are four (4) main reasons veterans don’t seek care for PTSD: Access (distance), Knowledge (knowing the signs), Belief (can treatment help?) and Social Support (stigma).  I would ask Paul Combs to consider drawing another depiction of our military’s burden, but instead of pride dragging the soldier down, show a continued supererogatory sense of duty dragging our veterans down with the guilt and shame pressing from all sides, with spiritual loss and hurt blocking the path to healing.  It could show friend, families and professionals (mental health and spiritual) who are there to help and provide a lifting hand to not carry the burden, but to provide the support that is required to shift the load.  Paul Combs is an excellent artist and his drawing did exactly what he wanted it to do, it got me thinking.

Soldier Pride.png
