Cognitive Agility

New Heights or ……Old Lows?

Cognitive Agility is Life Stability

Transitioning from Mental Illness / Health to Cognitive Agility for Life Stability. Cognitive Agility is not the speed of thought, cognition, or memory, but the ability to successfully effect, cope, with and adapt to changes in life through anticipation, adaptation and many times reacting with the only adequate control available in the moment. In order to maintain balance an individual must keep certain aspects of their thinking and actions in alignment, much like a gyroscope works to maintain balance. The gyroscope is not still, but is constantly moving to maintain stability, while adjusting and compensating to effects and actions. Life (time) brings uncertainty and risk, adding to the complexity of aging, life, work and emotional circumstances.

Cognitive Agility (Responsiveness, Flexibility, Adaptability, Versaility, Innovativeness and Resilience) is to Mental Health as physical health is to balance, flexibility, endurance and strength.

 Operators use Passion, Perseverance, Grit, and Guts (P2G2) to muster through missions, tough periods of time and pain. It works, but not forever, behaviors will break down if only P2G2 is used for all approaches of life.

 To achieve Cognitive Agility a person must develop the attributes of responsiveness, flexibility, adaptability, versatility, innovativeness and resilience in varying forms, degrees, and levels of intensity. To approach life the same way every time when everything around changes, will often never end well. Cognitive Agility isn’t implying nor should it be inferred to change foundations (unless the foundation is weak and crumbling), but it is to adapt and adjust to life, aging and emotional changes. Here are some broad definitions:

Responsiveness - Anticipate – avoidance – mitigate - Respond timely with proper / adequate effect; doesn’t have to be perfection. Detect, Decide, Act, to Effect when conditions fall outside of normal expectations. Responsiveness is the actions that develop from a combination of Flexibility, Adaptability, Versatility, Innovativeness and Resilience.

Flexibility - More than one way of responding to life and its challenges when the initial response doesn’t work. There is more than one way to approach life.

Adaptability – Change itself, individual attitude or physical response to an event (natural, unnatural, expected or unexpected).

Versatility - Achieve performance or effectiveness in accomplishing a new or altered way of life. Changing to the situation, life and the world around you.

Innovativeness - A NEW way of accomplishing or creating something in your life. When normal or routine actions don’t deliver the desired results in your life.

Resilience – Ability to repair, replace, patch, or reconstitute lost performance, recover as required in the time allowed (could be a lifetime or the next second). Resilience must be developed before, not after an event.

What are the benefits of adapting the antiquated and archaic status of Mental Health, Mental Illness or Mental Disorders? Currently, if an individual lacks Mental Health then they are stigmatized by society as being mentally ill. It is unfortunate, mentally ill is often perceived as deficient by the individual and those around them with a noted prejudice and bias. If an individual is assessed to be at a specific Cognitive Agility level, then it is a simple assessment of areas to be worked on and it is not a stigma or disorder to be eradicated. The next steps are to focus on the areas that require strengthening in a program, similar to a physical workout program, step by step, while maintaining your other agility areas.

Next Dealing with Uncertainty, Risk and Time


Elmer & Zizi (EZ) Scholarship

Elmer & Zizi (EZ)         Scholarship

 That Others May Rise is announcing the Elmer – Zizi (E-Z) Scholarship Program to initially focus efforts on children and adults in the country of Cabo Verde, with a long-range goal of providing educational opportunities and a lifting hand to many in the United States.  So why the Elmer-Zizi Scholarship Program and what’s in a name?

First the easy part as the old saying goes, age before beauty, so Elmer before Zizi.   Elmer and Zizi, different names in of themselves, two diverse individuals with totally disparate backgrounds from dissimilar cultures, but very similar in their actions.   Elmer and Zizi believe(d) in dreams coming through hard work and commitment.  Elmer Miller born in the United States, served in the US Navy, raised a family of three as a Pennsylvania steel worker, and was always there to lend a helping hand, a symbol of freedom, commitment, sacrifice and dedication to all who knew him as a friend, neighbor, brother, uncle, father, grandfather, and great grandfather.  Zizi or Maria Mendes, born in Brava and raised in Fogo, Cabo Verde, immigrated to the US, raised a family of three while working in the Massachusetts textile factories, learned English and became a US citizen and is always there to lend a helping hand, a symbol of freedom, commitment, sacrifice and dedication who know her as sister, aunt, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.  Both represent the compassion of people, both are images of hard work, both are icons for humanity, both are more alike than they were ever different.  Elmer is no longer with us physically on this earth and Zizi continues to bless us with her devotion to others every day.

Monster Catch 2022 Continues

Monster Catch 2022 Continues

MONSTER CATCH 2022 - HeRoes 4 ALS: Many of us take the joy of fishing for granted, grab a rod, walk to the lake, hop on a boat and there you are, catching those lake monsters. Now imagine being restricted to a wheelchair or with extremely limited use of your limbs, not so easy. Henry who I’ve written about before wants to change some of that, as he wants to provide opportunity to those inflicted with ALS to catch those L.ake Monsters. Help Henry to help others.

Donate Today

They Died for...

Some Say They Died For Nothing, I Say They Lived For Everything…

Memorial Day 2020 - PDM


Some say what have we gained, they died for nothing…

I say they sacrificed for their brothers and sisters.

Some say look at what we lost, they died for nothing…

I say, they provided for the innocent, for the helpless, for hope.

Some say lives are gone forever, they died for nothing…

I say, they gave courage for many they never knew, for a choice to be had.

Some say the goal was misguided, they died for nothing…

I say, they marched to sound of battle and the mission.

Some say there was no need, they died for nothing…

I say, they were called to a higher duty at home and abroad.

Some say it is a day of sadness, as they died for nothing…

I say, Remember them All, Reflect on their Sacrifice, Rejoice in their Bravery, Rekindle their Spirit.

I say, I don’t care about those who say they died for nothing…

I say, they lived So That Others May Live, that as a beacon someday Others May Rise from tyranny, persecution, and repression.

I say, They lived for us all, they lived for each other, their memory lives in strength, honor, love and courage and that is Everything - Rejoice.

Ryan's Run 15 MAY 2021 Key West Fl

Ryan's Run 15 MAY 2021 Key West Fl

Rise for Ryan’s Run - 100 Miles 15 May 2021- Key West Florida

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That Others May Rise (501(c)3 Federal recognized charitable organization

Rise for Ryan’s Run – Ryan will be running in a 100-mile personal quest and to raise money for That Others May Rise ( and we are asking you to sponsor him per mile. Pledge what you can from .10 to $1.00 to $10.00 per mile or more or give one lump sum, it’s up to you. Ryan runs for those who can’t, like Henry a veteran with ALS. Ryan runs with determination like the students in an economically challenged country to lift themselves up through opportunity. Ryan runs for those at home for when the next disaster hits. Rise for Ryan’s Run.

Ryan Gergler is a man of many talents and mental toughness is on the top of his list. He is determined to push himself way beyond the norm. As a United Airlines Flight Attendant, he travels the world so is very adaptable and caring. As an athlete, he is a highly skilled water skier (ignore the fact he can’t ski right side up (pic)) and dedicated runner. His is determined to make the 100 miles across the Key west Bridge and in that we have no doubt! He is also determined to raise money for our veterans and those who are without opportunity. One aspect of the run he totally controls, the other is up to you! Give Ryan your pledge of support and Run Ryan Run!

Ways To Pledge and Give: Give right up front on Facebook or track his progress as we will provide live updates and give later. You can give before or after the run is finished either directly to (PayPal, credit card or check) or on Facebook.

We will kick it off by pledging 10.00 per mile and will double the total contributions up to $10,000!

Let’s do this a 501c3 charitable organization


That Others May Rise: We work in the USA providing veterans with free job advice and guidance; support opportunities for veterans with ALS and other disabling prognosis: and work abroad to better the education and opportunity of children in Africa. A globally recognized foundation working to mitigate uncertainty and risk through opportunity, faith, education and support to guide and enable individuals, their families, and communities to rise. We find the gaps and fill them.

Providing opportunity through faith (spiritual and individual), financial support, guidance, training, and education to enable individuals to rise above missed opportunities, poverty (esteem, environmental and social) and to become productive members and leaders of the community.

Dragon Run 2020 (Postponed)


Dragon Run 2020 (Motorcycle) (POSTPONED)

Veteran APS Awareness Motorcycle Ride

2- 6 Jun 2020 Future Date to be Determined.

Rescue Warriors and That Others May Rise are sponsoring an International Motorcycle Run from Spotsylvania VA to Deals Gap Tennessee/North Carolina state line (Tail of The Dragon) with US and International Veterans to raise Veteran Motor Neuron Disease (ALS/PLS) & Suicide (APS) Awareness and to link with other Veterans Organizations along the way.

 Mission / Primary Goals for Dragon Run 2020:

1.  Raise Awareness and funds for ALS / PLS -  Did you know Veterans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Motor Neuron Diseases (ALS/PLS)

2.  Raise Veteran Suicide Awareness as Veterans are 22% more likely to commit suicide and up to six times more likely to commit suicide when diagnosed with ALS/PLS.

 Currently postponed due to current events.

Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Confusing Supererogation With Pride

Veterans are to prideful to seek help is one concept to describe why veterans neglect assistance in their lives.  I recently saw the depiction drawn by Paul Combs (above) of a soldier being dragged down by pride as the sharks of depression, PTSD, suicide, etc., circle the soldier.  I agree with 95% of what Paul Combs laid out and would like to take this opportunity to discuss on focus on the main issue that he has highlighted of Pride.  I also want to stress this is simply another viewpoint to further the discussion of suicide, PTSD, depression, addiction and other issues that impact our veterans.  It is not an attack on a thoughtful illustration by Paul Combs that depicts issues with our veterans.  Here is where I differ