Veterans Outreach

Veteran Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 press 1


New Partners

Special Operations Veterans Class: We are Partnering with Freedom Sings USA® to help veterans tell their story through song and rebirth. Veteran, Pararescueman and Singer/Songwriter, Donovan Chapman is leading Freedom Sings USA’s Special Operations Veteran’s Class with support from hit songwriter and co-founder, Don Goodman. Donovan’s talent and love for helping other veterans and families is demonstrated through his passion and talent. We will support producing the Special Operations Veteran Class Volume One album telling the stories of strength, faith and love of special operation veterans and their families. Freedom Sings USA works to help veterans, active duty military and their families throughout the country reach emotional balance by telling their stories through the creative process of songwriting. Their mission is to promote public support, education and appreciation for the sacrifice the veterans and their families make serving our country through the hearing of their stories as told through song. We proudly stand side by side with with our partners.

Listen to one of Donovan’s Songs from Freedom Sings USA