2025 Cabo Verde and US Veterans

Finding the Gaps & Seams and Closing Them!


a.       PORTO MOSQUITO:   In the fishing village of Porto Mosquito the focus is on developing preschools to ensure: healthy meals for children; develop great habits; provide a safe environment; create opportunity for adults to work while their children are cared for; and generate jobs for young women and men.  We talked to young women now employed as teachers and assistants where there was no hope before this opportunity; for many it was a dream that is now a reachable reality.  One young woman cried as she talked about how she is now a teacher like her mother, something she thought would never happen. 

2025:  Transition to sustain the preschool program as required.  Look to enhance medical availability through other partners for Porto Mosquito. 

What Can You Do?  Give a gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, whatever you can do; give monthly automatically; Change their tomorrow by your gift today. DONATE

b.       EZ (Elmer & Zizi) SCHOLARSHIP:  Grow the scholarship program for young people to lift themselves out of poverty in Cabo Verde (CV), elsewhere in Africa and the USA.  Many families in CV, especially with a female head of household live off of less than $120 a month.  A college or trade school education / apprenticeship will lead to a better and brighter future for individuals and the country as a whole. 

2025:  Continue expanding the program with a focus on obtaining sponsors for individual young people annually to ensure a sustained effort.  Apply for grants and look to broaden for US students as financially responsible.  Note: a CV university student cost is approximately $1200 for one year of college.  A US community college student average cost annually is $5,500 and a four-year college / university is $15,000 plus.

What Can you Do?  Provide any gift amount, if able commit to sponsor a young adult with a tax-deductible donation of $1200 annually (for 1 year of college); give $100 automatically monthly. Provide an opportunity for a young's child future today! DONATE

2.      VETERANS

a.      JOB SEEKING:  Produced and published, cover letter, resume and interviewing checklists and guidance for individuals to be used when job hunting.

2025: Increase awareness to veterans looking for work and continue to update. 

What Can You Do?  Spread the word for others to use the information with no cost, obligation, or personnel information sharing.  Provide us feedback to update the information we have on file. JOB INFO

b.      JOB COUNSELING: Provided counseling for work opportunities and the required preparation required to be hired into new positions.

2025: Provide counseling as needed and look to other ways to assist veterans when it comes to obtaining good jobs.

What Can you Do?  Spread the word for others to use our services, email (founder.director@thatothersmayrise.org) or call 540-538-4674.  Absolutely zero costs, ever!!!!  Provide us inputs on what we have on the site.

c.       BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT:   Produced guidance on twelve (12) things to think about when Starting a Business: Bridging the Gap. 

2025:  Monitor, refer and engage as required.

What Can you Do?  Spread the word for others to use the information, no cost, no obligation or identity is required. Provide us inputs on what we have on the site. BUSINESS

d.  HEALTHCARE AND BENEFITS:  Engaged with the VA Secretary highlighting issues in the VA system and provided specific steps required to fix accountability in the system; the #1 issue within the VA system. 

2025:  While the VA response was less than stellar, we will continue to engage at all levels to ensure accountability is in action and not just words.

What Can You Do?  Continue to engage with the VA; Support Veteran Groups. Push for sustained accountability; and ensure they match dollars with care.

e. TRANSITIONS: Provided thoughts and viewpoints on transitioning from the service.

2025: Continue to update and push awareness of the things to think about before and after leaving the service.

What Can You Do? Provide your viewpoint; if separating or retiring understand you have served honorably, you have done your best, and work even harder in setting up your future. If you know someone separating or retiring provide encouragement and support for their next journey.

f.  SUICIDE AWARENESS:  Increased efforts to raise awareness on suicide and ways to engage with those with feelings of suicide. 

2025:  Continue to engage on suicide awareness; promote avenues for continuous Responsiveness; and provide thought-provoking articles to promote discussion and awareness.

What Can You Do?  Know the numbers of help lines 988 & (1-800-273-8255), don’t be afraid to talk to others about suicide, reach out to someone in need…read articles about SUICIDE.

g:  PTSD:  This is a new area for us to discuss and promote more awareness. In 2025 we plan to encourage education and provide thoughts on PTSD treatment to advocate for exploration, discussion and responsiveness.

What can You Do? Educate yourself on PTSD and stay tuned here.

h: In 2025 we are partnering with a fellow veteran to build modified motorcycles for disabled and wounded veterans.